31 januari, 2006

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Cranes and EBM!


Yesterday evening I saw a film that I had no big expectations on:

It turned out to be really good, but I need to say that I was in a sensitive mood as well!
If you look for action go somewhere else... if you want a girly film about love and other things that might touch your senses this might be worth checking out!


Today I have been occupied on a course learning how to handle lifting-cranes up to 10Tons and I will do the same the whole day tomorrow, quite fun actually as I today had the opportunity to handle a crane that could lift 63Tons but we "only" lifted a concrete block of 11Tons and manouvred it along a little path. I decided to take this course since I might need to lift some equipment/machines in my work.

Did you know that the security factor for anything that comes with cranehandling here in europe is 7-fold (If a wire is said to hold up to 1Ton it actually holds for 7!, however you should NEVER exceed the 1Ton it was made to be used for.)
Yes, I knew you would enjoy reading this! ;)


Now for something completely different...
In my youth (well, that sounds like I am very old) I listened sometimes to EBM (Electronic Body Music) and one of those groups were DAF (Deutche Amerikanische Freundshaft). Some month ago I got to know there was an EMB-group formed in my hometown, Sandviken, Sweden. The group is called "Sturmcafé" and they are really good, all songs are in German and some are downloadable for free on their homepage:

If you are not really a fan of EBM you might wanna look at their video "Der Grosse Schwein" wich is my favourite song. The video is rather good for beeing homemade!
I like to see when young people are successful with what they do, STURMCAFÉ has now been nominated by SAMA (Scandinavian Alternative Music Awards) for 2006 years best newcomer and best artist.

That is really something, congratulations!

Thermometer shows 0°C outside and sun has gone down, now I need to take care of cooking my dinner before I (probably) have a look at some other film.


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